
October 2022 Birds in Florida

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Answer to what is FEMA’s role?

October 30, 2022  Another great day, low 70’s, Interacted with a Cormorant and a manatee. Lots of birds including more Black Crowned Night Herons.

This Cormorant slipped out from in front of Marian's kayak, then paddled around back and forth between us...hoping I imagrine for a handout.
He finally took off, this was before dawn, so the photos were dark.
Unkown but looks like a Cow Bird.
Kingfisher on the wing!
Three kingfishers were chasing each other and making a lot of racket!!
Lady Anhinga in the mangroves.
Little Green
Brown Pelican, I sent his photo on to the Seabird Sanctuary for them to come investigate him, he looks unwell.
Mallard duck eating weeds.
Juvenile Black (or Yellow) Crowned Night Heron (he will get his crown as he grows up.)
Flock of Nanday Conures, they make quite a racket as they fly.
Marian pointing out the Conures.
Female Anhinga drying its feathers.
Detail of Anhinga.
Little Green in the mud!
Petting a manatee!
Manatee nose coming up for air.
Osprey with HUGE fish!
The fish weighs more than the Osprey!
The Crow is trying to get the Osprey to drop the fish!
Great Blue taking off.
In flight.

October 29, 2022  It was a beautiful day today, 70 to start 75 when I returned. I saw a Black Crowned Night Heron for the first time in months. No dolphins or manatees today.

Yellow Crowned Night Heron.
A Gull
Another Cormorant
Drying his feathers.
Osprey on top of a mast.
Ibis on a dock.
Yellow Crowned Night Heron.
Yellow Crowned detail.
Little Green
Little Green Heron.
Anhinga in the mangroves.
Female Mallard.
Male Mallard.
Black Crowned Night Heron
Apollo, the gentelest dog!
More pilings thaat were not protected (they now wrap them in plastic.)
This one will last, it has a PVC pipe protecting it with concrete inside.
The source of the coconuts we see floating by.
Osprey just back from fishing, all wet and trying to dry off.

October 27, 2022  It was cloudy and sprinkling all morning, so I did not go out kayaking. Here is someone who came to visit, first on my porch, then out on a tree branch!

A local Hawk who was watching very carefully something on the ground behind my neighbor's place (maybe a squirrel?).

October 26, 2022  Two manatees, my first sighting of Storks, three Ospreys, and lots of birds this morning! Bob said that I had just missed a dolphin who had swum by several times chasing fish.

Yellow Crowned Night Heron in the mangroves by my place.
A second Yellow Crowned Night Heron on the point.
A female Anhinga up on a branch.
A Snowy Egret by the seawall on the flats.
A juvenile Little Blue (they are white before they molt and get their blue feathers).
Ibis by the seawall.
An Egret arriving.
Close up of the Snowy.
The Egret is a lot larger than the Snowy (right).
Juvenile Yellow Crowned Night Heron.
Two Egrets with the little Snowy in front.
Another close up of a Snowy.
Close up of the Egret.
Egret preening.
Egret with a little fish snack.
Osprey on the wing.
Ibis up in the mangroves.
Female Osprey
Male Osprey.
Little Green Heron fishing.
Little Green with breakfast of fish!
Laughing Gull - many birds rest on one foot with the other drawn up.
"Lady Anhinga" in her mangrove tree.
Two Storks! I had never seen Storks here on Bear Creak.
Interesting black feathers on the edge of their wings.
Anhinga drying its feathers.
Another Ibis.
Anhinga with wet feathers just out of the water.
Little Green in the shadow.
Grackle with his irridescent feathers in the shadows.
Male Mallard Duck.
Female Mallard Duck.
Adulr Little Blue.
Manatee snout!
Manatee head.
Little Blue.
Female Anhinga number three.
Ibis in the oak tree.
What happens to pilings if you do not protect them with a plastic sleeve.
Another Ibis
Detail of a Cormorant.
Cormorant (identified by the hooked beak).
Have to use your imagination, a hawk being chased by a kingfisher!

October 24, 2022  Another beautiful day.

A Brown Pelican still asleep.
An Osprey.
A Snowy fishing for breakfast.
He got one!
A Little Green on a dock line watching for his breakfast.
A Cormorant.
An Egret fishing.
Female Mallard.
Yellow Crowned Night Heron on a small dock.
Osprey - he just flew up into the mangroves after diving for a fish.
Gull on the wing.

October 23, 2022 second trip. Marian invited Mindy to come along. We got to play with the manatees! 

Mindy brought along her two puppies! The puppies walked from Mondy's kayak to Marian's and even to mine like they had done so all their lives! They were a hit!
An Osprey watching us.
Marian had a turn with a puppy.
A Snowy.
A female Anhinga.
An adult Little Blue.
An Egret.
A flock of Ibis.
I was too close, but this is Marian petting a manatee that had come up to her beside her kayak!
The manatee first came up to me, then Marian, then here he has come out of the water to be petted by Mindy!
The pup is looking on! The manatee was very curious.

A lady came out on her deck and said the it was “against the law to touch the manatees”. AS I have stated here before, it is only against the law to HARASS the manatees, when a manatee comes up to the side of your kayak, stays there for 3 minutes, and asks to be petted, touching them is NOT harassment!

Legally, “harassment” includes any act that potentially injures [nope],  annoys [nope], or disturbs [nope] the manatee, or causes a disruption of its natural behavior [nope, it is naturally curious]. When it comes up to you multiple times and you pet it, that is not harassment.

October 23, 2022  A beautiful sunny day, tee shirt and shorts.

Yellow Crowned Night Heron
Snowy fishing
Little Green fishing
Brown Pelican
Lady Anhinga in her usual spot.
Little Blue Heron
Cormorant fishing.
Crow leaving the water dish.
Another Anhinga
Male Mallard Duck
Female Mallard Duck
Snowy with his toes in the water
Male Osprey preening sitting at the top of a mast.
Female Osprey on a branch.
Ibis in the mangroves.

October 22, 2022  Back to kayaking early in the morning. It was 56 degrees as I put in but in the 60’s when I returned. 

An Osprey near my home.
A Snowy looking for breakfast.
He got one! He perched there for quite a while picking off little fish all the morning.
A Little Green was fishing the same way.
Another Osprey.
Yellow Crowned Night Heron.
A juvenile Little Blue.
Female Anhinga - she lives in the same mangrove tree and I have seen her dozens of times!
The tiny male Kingfisher!
Kingfisher on the wing.
A male Anhinga drying its feathers.
An Egret on the GOAT.
Two Ibis on mangrove roots.
Duck doing a stretch.
Male Anhinga on a sign.
Two Ibis on a boat hoist.
Juvenile Little Blue Heron.
Turkey Vulture
Monarch Butterfly on my plants out back.

October 19, 2022  Home again, I met some nice people on the plane and talked all night, then slept seven hours this morning in the quiet of my house.
While I was gone my bananas fell and someone disposed of them 🙁

Everything else is as I left it. Thanks for Marian for taking me to the airport, Amy for picking me up, Don for getting me to the train, Steph and Jason for getting me from the train and taking me to the airport and Jim for getting me home!! Thanks to William for watering my house plants, they are happy.

I had the most wonderful trip, seeing my daughter Amy and Darren, Sarah, Don and Jeanne, Stephen and Daisy (and Leif and Viola) and Stephany and Jason.

I saw a lot of birds )including Bald Eagles, Cormorants, Pelicans, a Wood Duck and many more)  a herd of elk, sea lions, giant trees, where  M*A*S*H was filmed, the tar pits, and went kayaking with Amy, a car museum, the Winchester House, an airplane show, and many other things. Some nice long hikes, wonderful home cooked meals and eating out. My first train ride in 30 years, a ride in Amy’s new van,  a new Prius and  in Don’s fantastic Tesla!

Thanks to all for making my trip such a great success!!2

October 18, 2022  Out to lunch and over to Venice. Venice California that is, but it does have canals!

At lunch the menu had (under Coffee/Tea) an option to add CBD to your Mushroom Latte drink!
Stephanie and Jason took me to Venice!
Many homes had an outside floating "living room" that had an outboard motor attached so that they could parade up and down the canals!

October 17, 2022   Off to the Tar Pits and the Car museum.


Jason and a little animal.
A mock up of a real baby mastodon.
The Petersen Automotive Museum
An earlt auto-mobile.
Jason and a mini truck.
It is real!!
A VW electric car.
Tesla battery pack.
Muscle car.
3D printed wheels
First electrically powered bicycle.
007's car

October 16, 2022 We had a fun day hiking in Malibu Creek Park, The trail we selected led to the area used to film:
Planet of the Apes

Jason and Stephanie, Stephanie and Jason are in the process of finding a venue for their wedding!
Jason, Stephanie, and me at the remains of a vehicle used in M*A*S*H. To our right and up a hill is where the helicopters landed!
Someone placed stones I Love U2 up on the creek, they put Good bye on the helicopter pad.
Great Blue Heron on the walk.
Location where Planet of the Apes was filmed!
Photo of Planet of the Apes scene.
Lady on a horse on the trail.
On the way home stopped by some ocean stacks populated with Cormorants.
Stephanie and Jason's home.

October 15, 2022  Leaving Stephen’s and air show. The train I was supposed to go to LA had an accident, and so I took a train an hour later. The train had hit a farm truck and killed the driver, thus it needed a new engine and was supposed to be four hours late..

October 14, 2022  Staying at Stephen and Daisy’s in Orcutt, California. 

Daisy and Leif making a cake last night,
Viola Herrick Stephen and Daisy's newest one 2 months old.
A hot air balloon about a mile away.
Flatbread place for dinner.
Leif at his swimming lesson.
Don, Leif and Stephen at a store in Pismo Beach Surf Shop
Viola looking very serious.
Kitty wondering what this was.
Motorized unicycle
Cormorants and Pelicans on ocean stacks.
Brown Pelicans
Daisy and Leif
More ocean stacks and birds.
Stephen, Vio;a (her head), Daisy, Leif, Donald and me in the back.

October 13, 2022.  Stephen and Daisy visit.

Don, Jeanne, Cooper and Tia, (and me) at Donald's place before we left for Stephen's.
Don up on ladder, Stephen holding as we took down one thing and put up a painting.

October 12, 2022 AM  Winchester house and lunch.

Don and the Winchester house - 160 rooms!
Stairway used to go somewhere!
Room damaged in the 1912 earthquake.
One of 44 fireplaces.
There is a zinc underfloor sloped to drain water down to the garden below.
Call buttons when pushed show up here as to what section of the house she is in.
Water heater and stove.
One of four kitchens.
One of several dining rooms.
Another kitchen.
Donald and the framework under the Tesla (batteries and motors and wheels.
Personal pizzas.
Pizza sandwiches

October 12, 2022. At Donald’s, we went to Winchester House. Then in the afternoon went to a few marshes and a tree where there was an American Bald Eagle! I looked up a few of the birds, but some I have no idea their names.

Downey Woodpecker
Black Crowned Night Heron?
Cow Bird and squirrel?
Egret and male Mallard. a LONG way away across a pond.
American Bald Eagle
Row of boats
Paddle boat.
Wind surfer.
Canada Goose.
Snowey Egret
Flock of American Avocet
Snowy trying to attract a mate.
Don's aquarium

October 11, 2022. If was foggy at first, then the 50’s. I drove for 8 hours with a couple of stops. The first stop was to see a herd of elk! The elk were trying to cross the road!  Then later on I found a tree that cars could drive through! So I drove through!

The brand new Toyota Prius got 63.5 miles per gallon, so the price was mitigated somewhat.

A herd of elk trying to cross the road behind my car!
Speed limt here was 55mph!
Fuel here is not cheap.
We have our own road!
They are seious about litter! $1,000 fine!

October 10, 2022  It was foggy this morning and for extended periods today. I drove for 9 hours with a few stops. One was at Sea Lion Caves where I got to see Sea Lions!

Lots of sea lions!! I was really glad to have my Nikon with the 2000 mm lens, any less and I would not have gotten the close-ups as they were a long way away and over 200 feet down.
Quite foggy.
Great Blue Heron
Parent and juvenile Gull, juvenile was begging for food.
Adult Gull.
Double bottom monster trucks hauling logs.
Island with a tree and driftwood.. Fog is out to sea.
They take tsunami's seriously here, signs everywhere.
Oregon Pacific Coast.

October 9, 2022 Amy and I drove to Tacoma to visit with my grand daughter Sarah and go out to a birthday breakfast. Then we went to a park and walked along the shore. Sarah said that she saw a whale last time she was roller skating there!

Sarah took this phhoto of the three of us in the park.
Sarah's place.
Sarah's breakfast.
Sarah and Amy at the park playground.
People bringing out inflatable kayaks and inflatable paddle boards.
Tall trees.
The water and the sky blend!
After leaving Amy and Sarah I drove down 101 to Garibaldi in Oregon. Unfortunately it was very foggy and there was nothing to see.

October 8, 2022  Amy and I hiked all around Seward Park. There were hundreds of birds floating in the water off of the southern edge of the park (Lake Washington), some Canada Geese but mostly ducks.

Night of October 8 Amy brought home yummy sushi!!
Amy, Puck, and me!
Amy where we sat on a log for lunch.
Amy's iPhone takes excellent photos!
This male Mallard has a blue head! Dabbling ducks belong to the Anatinae subfamily. These ducks have a distinct feature wherein their legs are positioned in the middle of their underside. Hence, these ducks can balance themselves properly when they are upside-down in the water. They go upside-down, instead of diving, to eat insects or weeds. The position of their legs also help them to walk on land. They have long, tapered wings that make it easy for them to fly just by jumping out of the water and flapping their wings.
Amy and Puck on our walk. The leaves are beginning to turn.

October 7, 2022  Amy and I rented a kayak and paddled about in Green lake for an hour! 66º and sunny, beautiful weather!!

Green Lake
Our 2 mile paddle on Green Lake.
Canada Goose
A nice young guy getting kayak ready for Amy and me, we had a nice hour long paddle, no motorized boats are allowed on the lake, so it was quiet and nice.
In addition to the Canada Geese, there were hundreds of Gallinules out on the lake.
Great Blue Heron
Flock of Canada Geese
Diving platform out in the lake.

October 6 PM – Amy and I went to Washington Park Arboretum and then to a park where there were Ducks, a Bald Eagle, a Great Blue Heron, and a lot of turtles.

Over 100 year old crab apple tree.
Our guide.
Amy at the Juanita Bay Park
See the white line in the middle of the photo, that is where the American Bald Eagle was. The Wood Duck was to the left, the turtles were also in the middle of this photo.
Wood Duck at the park.
Great Blue Heron
American Bald Eagle with lunch.
The Bald Eagle was 1/4 mile away on a platform built for the Eagle to nest on but there was no nesting material.

October 6, 2022,  AM update.
October 3 – I worked at the ABC Bicycles building bicycles. October 4 – I managed the gym in Gulfport, Florida, then Marian took me to the Tampa International Airport to begin my travels.
I flew to Vegas, then on to Seattle where my daughter Amy picked me up for a stay here in Kirkland.
October 5 – Amy and I hiked a trail where I found a leaf from a tree that is a foot across!

Tampa International Airport
Las Vegas International Airport
In the airport where you make your donations to pay the light bill.
Amy her dog and the tall trees herein Washington State!
My daughter Amy and her King Charles puppy Puck. Temperature in the 50's, cloudy at first, then it cleared up, but now is overcast again.. Washington State has an app that will tell you if you have been near someone that has Covid. WA Notify. It monitors the IP address of anyone you are near to you and will alert you if they have reported that they have Covid!

October 2, 2022, another beautiful day, Marian came with me. As usual we saw Lady Anhinga in her mangrove refuge.

Grackle at the bird feeder.
Snowy looking for breakfast.
He caught one!
Tri-color doing his fishing thing by running with wings out.
Little Green
An awfully large fish for this Little Green to swallow whole, but Marian said he did it!
Male Osprey
Osprey with breakfast of a huge fish.

October 1, 2022  Another beautiful day, Diane came with me,
I saw a group of manatees, one came out of the water but I only caught him as he went down. When they are in a group, the group of manatees is called an aggregation.

Manatee re-entering the water.
Manatee nose
Manatee tail
A yacht exiting the marina was so large they needed headsets and walkie talkies to communicate!
A willet on the shell island.
Female Anhinga on her usual perch.
Yellow Crowned Night Heron on his dock.
Egret on the debris above the dam and the goat (in yellow).
Little Green
Little Green looking for breakfast.
Female Osprey
Male Osprey
Wet Osprey with breakfast of a fish.
The fish does not look happy.

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