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...Historical Slavery


...Biblical rules on slavery


Civil War Slave States
Kentucky was created a slave state from Virginia (1792), 
 Tennessee was created a slave state from North Carolina (1796)
Mississippi (1820)

States seceded due to being pro slavery after Abraham Lincoln was elected President: 
....South Carolina December 20, 1860
....Mississippi January 9, 1861
Florida - January 1861 
Alabama - January 11, 1861
Georgia - January 19, 1861
 Louisiana - January 26, 1861
 and Texas - January 1861
After the Civil War began in April 1861, four slave states of the Upper South – 
and North Carolina
 – also declared their secession and joined the Confederacy.

Civil War Slave Free States (year abolished slavery)
Pennsylvania (1780), 
New Hampshire and Massachusetts (1783), 
Connecticut and Rhode Island (1784). 
Vermont (1777), 
New York (1799), 
New Jersey (1804)
By 1804 all of the northern states had abolished slavery

Created as Free States
Ohio (1803), 
Indiana (1816), 
Illinois (1818),
Maine (1820),
 Michigan (1837),
 Iowa (1846), 
Wisconsin (1848), 
Minnesota (1858),




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